A last chance saloon day presented itself, giving me a brief respite from the seasonal festivities at work before crimbo arrived, so I managed to spend a few hours at Lakenheath ( surprise).
With the flying schedule winding down in the run up to Christmas, the fence line was awash with those in the not know speculating what would and will not fly. Seemingly the majority were adamant the 492nd had shut up shop and would not be seen, and with the 494th overseas ( what a time to be deployed ) any flying was surely down the to the f35 squadrons from the 493rd and 495th. Alas, for once the scuttlebutt was indeed correct and no eagles were flown !
Hours seemed to pass before the sound of a Pratt and Whitney F135 idling was carried along in the breeze indicating it was about to get loud soon….
Im not sure I have ever had a day at the fence at Lakenheath without F15s, and it was a bit bizarre. Whilst I was thankful it wasn’t going to be blank day, the pomp and circumstance of an f35 engine start just isn’t the same as the f15 howling its intentions to bring it!
The f35 has quite rightly made itself known and admired throughout the UK with spotters, toggers and anyone who catches sight of them. However the now seemingly stately F15 strike eagle not making an appearance just felt peculiar. I am of a generation that remembers the E model coming into service, and replacing the venerable f-111, now it seems odd to think that one day they too will leave the Heath and the f35 will rule the roost. Hopefully this isn’t on the horizon anytime soon, for me the f-15 still clutches to an era of design and purpose, fuelled by necessity. The current flock may be showing signs of wear but the fleet still represents a formidable force multiplier, and with the new generation EX model in the wings ( no pun) maybe we won’t be without the eagles screeching and howls after all, BUT a day of fifth generation epicness wasn’t the worst way to spend the day with friends new and old, marvelling at just how much of a leap forward these amazing aircraft are.
I hope you all managed to spend time with friends and loved ones and enjoy your Christmas and new year, id say stay tuned for more but we all know by now the next post could be days, weeks or months away but my resolution for this year is to at least try and get a post out once a month lol
FYI…. probably one of the best engine start vids on the tube