My trips to the airbases and out with the camera drew to a close last week with a final day at the fence at RAF Lakenheath.
Late in November I didn’t hold much hope for clear blue skies, and was presented with just the opposite, overcast and fog plagued most of the day, but no worries its just great to be able to get out, catch up with folks and enjoy the action.
It was an early start almost from the get go around 8am engines were running and over 20 launches were made.

Towards the end of the morning it became apparent an F15 was having some issues and the word spread that it would likely take the cable.
With four of the launched f15s diverting into Raf Mildenhall, we awaited the return of the F15, thankfully it landed without further issue and both plane and crew were able to to get back safely.

Once the f15 had been cleared and a long pause engines were running again, however an afternoon bank of fog literally rolled in and flights were scrubbed….. or so it seemed.

No sooner was I home back in the warm I got word that a further flight of f35s did actually go up for a late flight.

So with the camera cleaned and stored, and no trips planned until the new year, the next post I think will be a mini review of the highlights for me of 2022